Corporate Governance is the guide of Metlen principles and policies that safeguards the interests of all those associated with the company, with transparency.
The Company has adopted the Principles of Corporate Governance as laid down in the applicable Greek laws and in accordance with international practice. In this context, Metlen has adopted the UK Corporate Governance Code – 2024 (THE UK CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CODE – 2024), which aligns with the new strategy of the Company, based on the highest international standards of entrepreneurship and best practices. Through its new, optimised corporate structure and governance, Metlen strives for closer engagement with the investors, with the ultimate aim of unlocking further value for its shareholders.
Metlen, as a responsible business citizen, fully integrates in its activity the regulatory framework defined by both Greek and European legislation, as well as the international forums in which it participates.
The protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data is a fundamental right.
According to the Market abuse Regulation and the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, Persons discharging managerial responsibilities in MYTILINEOS, as well as persons closely associated with them, shall notify MYTILINEOS and the Hellenic Capital Market Commission on their transactions regarding MYTILINEOS securities within a three day period.
“MYTILINEOS S.Α” General Commercial Register (GEMI) No. 000757001000
METLEN within the new principles of its Corporate Governance has set up 3 committees: the Audit Committee, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee and the Sustainability Committee.